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Projects and contributions

2020 | Zárate, the footprint of the Delta

Contribution on governance and financing.

The project  "Zarate y la Huella del Delta" aims to develop the island sector of the municipality, protecting and strengthening its unique characteristics. It is being carried out by Beccan Dávila Urbanism (NL) and Guillermo Gulden Arquitectura (Zárate), funded by RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) and with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Buenos Aires.

The contribution was developed by H.Carlino and V.Zagare within the scope of the activities of FTDT and Delta Alliance Argentinean Wing.

2018-2019 | Blue Corridor Program 

Coordination of the "Mobilization" component

Programa Corredor Azul, developed by Fundación Humedales - Wetlands International, funded by DOB Ecology.


The FTDT-Delta Alliance Arg. Wing coordinated the "Mobilization" module.

Seven capacity-building workshops were developed for adaptive and participatory planning of deltas, aimed at government officials. The sessions were implemented for: the 9 municipalities of the Delta Bonaerense (with the participation of the Dirección Provincial de Islas, OPDS and INTA), the Municipality of Campana (with the participation of the Administration of National Parks, OPDS and INTA), and the municipality of Victoria (Entre Ríos). Theoretical presentations given by experts in the different topics were included, as well as workshop activities in which scenarios for the area were designed and explored.

2017 | Round Table

Round Table on the Reconquista River Basin

Organized by Delta Alliance Argentinean Wing, Fundación Torcuato Di Tella, Delft University of Technology (TUDelft) and the Reconquista River Basin Committee (COMIREC), established by the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires to apply integrated water management strategies in the Reconquista River Basin.

The Round Table was attended by more than 60 representatives of government institutions and agencies and interested parties. The activity explored the main conflicts in the Reconquista River Basin and discussed alternatives to achieve sustainable and collaborative solutions.

The conclusions of this initiative have been presented to COMIREC as a technical report, to be used as a knowledge base for the elaboration of priorities within the police agenda and to promote the consideration of solutions.

The document will also eventually be used in meetings within the scope of COMIREC, such as those related to the integrated management of urban solid waste, meetings of the universities involved in projects within the area, etc.


2016 | Round Table

Water and Waste Management, Circularity and Urban Strategies & Revitalization.

Organized by the Government of Amsterdam, within the framework of the visit to Argentina and Brazil carried out in 2016 by a group of Dutch experts and the Major of the city of Amsterdam Mr. Eberhard van der Laan in order to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Head of Government of the city of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. The results put forward by experts from Dutch and Argentine entities in the round tables were used as a basis to establish a field of action between both governments. Delta Alliance Argentinean Wing was present at the Round Table through the participation of Verónica Zagare.

2013 | International Cooperation

Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands), University of Houston and University of Tulane (USA), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Development of research and education activities in order to establish comparisons of the different deltaic areas. Among the activities carried out, the following can be mentioned:

  • Presentation at the Buenos Aires International Architecture Biennial 2013

  • Presentation at the 2014 Rotterdam International Architecture Biennale (IABR2014). Eight Urban Deltas: Mississippi River Delta (United States), Paraná Delta (Argentina), Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Delta (Netherlands), Mekong River Delta (Vietnam), Elbe Estuary (Germany), Tagus Estuary (Portugal), Galveston Bay (United States), Venice Lagoon (Italy).

  • Symposium "Urban Deltas in Transition" organized by the Department of Urban Planning of the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)

  • Publication of the book "Urbanized Deltas in Transition", Meyer, H. and Nijhuis S. (eds.). Techne Press, Amsterdam. 

  • Round Table "Research By Design / Project Research". National University of La Plata. The event began with an introduction to the problem given by Dr Verónica Zagare. Then the teams from the different universities presented their own research, officiating as an opening to dialogue between the guests on the problem itself and in relation to its possibilities of being communicated to the rest of the community of researchers and academics. Participants: Dean Prof. Arch. Patricia Oliver, Houston University (Houston, United States); Prof. Arch. Ann Yoachim, Tulane University (New Orleans, United States); Dr Verónica Zagare, Tu Delft (Netherlands) and UBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Prof. Arch. J. Tate, Tulane University (New Orleans, United States); Dr. Prof. Arq. F. Janchez, Fadu UBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Prof. Arch. Andrés Ferrari, Fadu UBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Prof Arch. Peter Zweig, Houston University (Houston, United States); Prof. Arq. M. Rotondi (California State Polytechnic University).

  • In Argentina, the team from the University of Buenos Aires was directed by Dr. Prof. Arq. F. Janchez and co-directed by Dr Verónica Zagare. As part of the cooperation, presentations were held in Argentina and the Netherlands, and the theme of the Paraná Delta was adopted as the focus of the Specialization "Complex Cities and Regions in Transformation" of the "Master of Science Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences" of Delft University of Technology (Netherlands).

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